Eric Lee

Name: Mr EL
Age: 50
Concern: To Quit Smoking

I got to know The A.I.M. Therapy through the search in Google. I was skeptical initially with the reviews I read on the high success rate until I undergo the treatment myself. I would say it’s VERY EFFECTIVE!

I have been smoking for 30 years and I can easily smoke up to 15-20 sticks in a day. I’d tried to quit smoking by using nicotine gum, electronic cigarette and acupuncture but it lasted one year with acupuncture. After my first session with A.I.M Therapy, I did not experience the slightest withdrawal systems that associated with smoking.

I would definitely recommend this therapy to my friends and relative as long as they are ready and want to quit smoking. This treatment is highly recommended for those who are READY to kick the bad habit.