Before Bioresonance Therapy
At 10 sessions course of Bioresonance Therapy

Beh Ren Xin

Name: Beh Ren Xin
Age: 24
Concern: Eczema

I have been having severe eczema since May 2016 and it was spreading through my hands and legs. It started with watery pus on both of my palms. Devastated by this first time occurrence of my life, I sought out different treatment methods but none of them worked.

Subsequently, I encountered Bioresonance Therapy on the internet and visited The A.I.M. Therapy. I was consulted by Ms Lynthia Foo who did a thorough Comprehensive Check to find out the root cause of my condition on 1st September 2016. Following her advice and knowing my allergens, I went through a 10 sessions course of therapy. My frustrated feeling is further being comforted by the nice and friendly staffs at The A.I.M. Therapy. My skin problem gets better after going through a few sessions and at the end of the course, my eczema is healed more than 90%, without the use of any steroids or medications. My therapist also noticed that my emotions are more liven up and cheerful. Now I visit The A.I.M. Therapy as a maintenance therapy session for my well-being and detoxification.

I would like to recommend Bioresonance Therapy to my friends and family. Lastly, my personal advice is to be determined to see result and everyone shall be benefited by Bioresonance Therapy especially for those who are allergic to wheat, gluten and seafood.